
These are a few of the comics I regularly read:

A tigergirl and a templar trying to discover their feeling for each other. Ah, a nice fantasy romance for a change that also provides some action and a steady plot!

You have to read this one! It's got lots of different characters including a very bishie vampire *drools over Tristam*. Good art, good story and updates Monday and Thursday so you're not left waiting for long. Go now!

This one is another must see! the art looks as if it's straight from some animation and the storyline is sound and progresses well. Updates Thursdays and with more than one page!

A story revolving around Cat in a world of Fae and Humans. This comic is unique because the bond between each character is very strong and the family love in this comic is just sweet and is something I don't see a lot of in other webcomics.

A story about a group of adventurers searching for lost seals. A good comic with humourous parts and no end of action including very likeable characters.

Carmen, a would be novelist, and her muses have been trapped together in a dream. I love this comic and think its very endearing. The way they see the feelings and depth inside Carmen in the dream is very interesting and in some parts, cute too!

I love the art in this comic because it's so refreshingly different. Apart from that the flow of the plot and the story are promising.

The art in this is just astounding my mouth drops open each time I see this. This comic is fantasy at it's purest.

A nice simple story about fate and relationships. Not fantasy I know but still a very good read.

I started reading this comic far back when all the archives were avaliable but it has moved to Wirepop. You can still see each updated page but I would only expect those who know the story to keep up with it.

If you want to link to me here are some banners in sizes 468x60, 200x40 and 88x31:

The Abyssal Gate is © Madiha Hamid 2005
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